SFL calls on entertainment technology and events industries to ‘stand-by your team’
In light of the serious effects of Covid-19, leading event production supplier and AV integrator, SFL, is calling on the entertainment technology and events industries to stand by their teams and recognise that people are its most important asset, particularly during such a challenging time.
“Events of every kind have been seriously affected in a very short space of time,” says the company’s Managing Director, Tom Jeffery. “As with many organisations, this is a significant part of our business, but we know we have to look to the future. At SFL, we consider our team to be our family – one that we will stand by. We have always run a financially prudent business and we are grateful to be in a position to be able to weather this storm and put our team’s needs first in such a difficult time.”
As well as looking close to home, SFL is finding ways to support positive expressions of community on a wider basis, as new ways to communicate and support each other are found.
The company is already involved with the UK National Arts Wellbeing Collective which stems from the work of the Arts Centre Melbourne in Australia. Established in April 2019, it links like-minded organisations and individuals around the UK to improve health and wellbeing in the Arts, Cultural and Heritage employment sectors.
“Mental health has always been something we’re acutely aware of as a company, but it’s more important than ever,” says Jeffery. “We were proud to be part of the organisations first conference, and will continue to give our support in whatever form it can take.”
SFL is looking at ways to help its customers adapt their events and has put together video streaming solutions to enable companies to start live streaming events straight away via a simple plug n’ play set up, which the SFL team are providing support for over the phone.
“The most important thing at this time is that we all follow government guidelines. We are implementing all recommended precautions to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of our staff and customers. We are also using the time to focus on ways that we can improve our facilities, systems and processes to enable us to rise out from the aftermath of this ready to help our partners and clients once again create environments where we can bring people together, and support them in communicating their passions and messages.
“I’m sure the world will look different on the other side of Covid-19, but I know we can all help to make it better.”